Member-only story
God’s Way vs Society’s Way
By Zaina Starr
The opposite of what the world believes is true. The world says, protect yourself at all costs. God says, put someone else first and let me protect you. The world says, it’s your right to take revenge. God says, revenge hurts your heart. Let me take care of it. The world says, act on what you feel. God says, submit your feelings to truth. Do only what will help you and others.
I strive to always be what I would call a good person. Always treating people with respect, kindness, and honesty. I strive to be loving and caring to all my friends, family, and significant other. The rules I follow are the way God says to treat people. It is I’m the Bible (The book of life’s instructions).
This has been my goal for quite a few years now. I decided to change the way I treated people when I decided to become a nurse. I specialized in geriatrics. Geriatrics is our grandma and grandpas; the ones in the long term care facilities, also known as nursing homes. My theory was there their last stop before they die so they should be treated with nothing but the very best I could treat them. It worked out great for me in that area of people in my life.
It did not work out so well with friends, family, and relationships. I was always being too nice and they learned to manipulate me. Took my kindness for weakness. Always to…